April 27, 2014

New Playground, Cold Weather

I listened to the wind howl as I edited these photos from yesterday. It was breezy and chilly yesterday, but today was cold, cold, cold. It rained most of the day, and although temperatures hovered in the low 40s, it felt more like the low 30s. As long as it doesn't snow, I won't complain ... too loudly. Still, by the end of April, I would appreciate at least warmer rains.

But, yesterday we were able to make it out to a new playground. I happened to learn about the playground the same day that Jon had to work at a home show... and the playground happened to be on the other side of the block from the home show. So, Evie and I visited Jon at the show, then I took Evie to play at the playground as the show finished up.

It was an awesome playground, and Evie had a lot of fun. She's been so ready this spring to get out and run, climb, slide, and swing. It's a little disappointing that we have to spend this week mostly inside, but it won't be too long before we have the chance to get outdoors most days. And we'll definitely be returning to this place.

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