January 4, 2011

15 Month Check-Up

Height: 29.5 in

Weight: 18 lbs 4 oz

This check-up was quite traumatic for me. I was fine when we walked into the doctor's office. I was fine when we walked into the exam room. I was even fine when Mom stripped me down to my diaper.

Then Mom took my diaper off, set me down on a scale and dared to step backward. That ended me being fine. I screamed when getting weighed. I screamed when Mom laid me down so the nurse could mark my length. I screamed when the doctor put the stethoscope on my back. I screamed when the doctor tried to look in my ears. I screamed and I clung as hard as I could to Mom through the entire appointment. It's a moot point, but I also screamed when given my vaccinations.

It's Dad's turn for the next check-up.

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