November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

I let Mom borrow my blog to post a top ten list of things she is thankful for this year. The list is below.

10. I am thankful for new opportunities, adventures, and risks, as well as the challenges I face in making the changes necessary to take advantage of them.

9. I am thankful for my cell phone, which allows me to take photos (and videos) of my daughter each day and send them to my husband while he's at work, so he doesn't miss quite so much.

8. I am thankful for nap time. Right now it is the only time I get alone.

7. I am thankful for the ability to travel and be with family in both good and tough circumstances.

6. I am thankful for the many choices available to me to make, the choices I already have made, and the control I have over the direction my life takes.

5. I am thankful for all the time I get to spend with my daughter, and that I have been there to witness all of her firsts (so far).

4. I am thankful for a husband who is devoted to providing a caring and safe environment for his family.

3. I am thankful for my post-pregnancy body. The changes show that I am now a mother, and I'm proud of that.

2. I am thankful for my daughter's pattern of sleeping twelve hours each night. It gives me time to spend with my husband, as well as a full night's rest. And it's already exhausting enough keeping up with my daughter each day.

1. Most of all, I am thankful for each morning that I wake up and get to hold my daughter in my arms.

If I (Evie) made my own top ten list, it would be something like this:

10. I am thankful for the bird. I never tire of laughing at and chasing him.

9. I am thankful for straws. Sippy cups weren't really my thing.

8. I am thankful for shoes. They allow me to walk with Mom and Dad, and I love putting them on.

7. I am thankful for shopping carts and strollers. They're a lot of fun to push.

6. I am thankful for cabinets and drawers and all the treasures I get to find hidden in them.

5. I am thankful for music. Turn it on, and I can't help but dance.

4. I am thankful for cookies, the next best thing to chocolate cake.

3. I am thankful for chocolate cake and that I can eat it now. 

2. I am thankful for Tama the Tortoise. She keeps me company at night.

1. I am thankful for Mom and Dad always finding something to laugh about when I'm around.

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