May 14, 2014

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Over Mother's Day weekend the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum held a plant sale. We decided to go check it out, and we came home with five new plants for the gardens. The previous owner of our home removed the grass from a section between the sidewalk and boulevard, but did not have a chance to plant anything there before selling the house. We covered the area with wood chips last year, but this year we are starting to fill in the space. It is enjoyable working towards transforming the yard to what Jon and I envision, and Evie likes helping where she can. She shows off her Hello Kitty gardening gloves to anyone who will pay half a second's attention, and she has become skilled in helping her dad load wood chips into a wheelbarrow to spread around the garden beds.

After dragging Evie around to look at boring old plants at the sale, we took her over to a children's natural play area at the arboretum. Next to the play area is a building with an attached greenhouse that houses mostly tropical plants. We walked through the greenhouse (they provide water bottles for kids to help water the plants), then headed out into the play area.

Before leaving the arboretum, I could not resist a quick tour through the tulip garden area. Not all of the tulips were open yet, but some of them were.

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