May 16, 2012

My First Field Trip

I attended my first field trip today to a place called Westwood Hills Nature Center.

I wasn't sure what to think of all these adults and kids walking through a park with my mom and me.

I felt really shy at first, and I got upset when Mom refused to carry me.

I was more comfortable hanging out at the back of the group, taking my time looking around at the places we stopped.

Eventually, I warmed up, a little. Okay. I talked to one other adult.

 After our walk in the woods, we went inside the nature center to pet a snake and turtle.

I got over my shyness pretty quickly when it came my turn to touch the animals.

After everyone had a turn to touch the turtle, we were shown how he turns himself over if he happens to flip over onto his back.

He stretched his legs and neck out really far.

Then, mostly using his head, he flipped back right side up (with a little help because the floor didn't have enough grip).

Once the animals were put back in their cages, we watched a puppet show. It was my first one. I was pretty interested at first, then I got a little wiggly.

It was a little bit of a busy field trip, but it was fun.

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